FTM Top Surgery
in Denver, CO

Flourish Surgical Arts offers FTM top surgery that removes breast tissue and re-contours the chest to create a masculine physique. The difference between female and male breasts is one of the most visible distinctions between the sexes, so most patients find this procedure essential in their journey toward their true selves. FTM top surgery aims to masculinize the chest, highlighting the underlying pectoralis major muscle and downsizing the nipple-areola complex. When patients come to Flourish Surgical Arts, they can rest assured that they’re in good hands. Dr. Nesiba is honored to help transgender individuals complete their transition and feel more confident.
FTM Top Surgery in Denver, CO
Flourish Surgical Arts offers FTM top surgery that removes breast tissue and re-contours the chest to create a masculine physique. The difference between female and male breasts is one of the most visible distinctions between the sexes, so most patients find this procedure essential in their journey toward their true selves. FTM top surgery aims to masculinize the chest, highlighting the underlying pectoralis major muscle and downsizing the nipple-areola complex. When patients come to Flourish Surgical Arts, they can rest assured that they’re in good hands. Dr. Nesiba is honored to help transgender individuals complete their transition and feel more confident.

What Is FTM Top Surgery?

Female-to-male (FTM) top surgery removes unwanted tissue and skin from both breasts and re-contours the chest to create a male appearance. This procedure is performed to help transgender men and non-binary people look more masculine. On average, the length of the operation is 2-4 hours, depending on the technique used. FTM top surgery is a crucial element of gender transition for many individuals.

Before & After FTM Top Surgery

FTM Top Surgery Techniques

Several techniques are available for this operation, so patients should consult Dr. Nesiba before undergoing it. He will clearly explain the options, which generally depend on the amount of breast tissue and excess skin in the body and the desire for nipple sensitivity. Here is an overview of standard approaches:

Keyhole Incision

The keyhole incision (a.k.a. the minimal scar technique) involves a small semicircular cut along the lower edge of the areola. Excess breast tissue and skin are removed through this tiny opening. The keyhole technique produces minimal visible scarring but is only suitable for patients with smaller breasts.
In periareolar or “donut” surgery, Dr. Nesiba makes a circular incision along the edge of the areola. The nipple is left intact but temporarily lifted as breast tissue underneath is removed. This approach enables more extensive corrections than the keyhole technique, resulting in an inconspicuous scar along the edge of the areola once healed.
The double incision method involves long horizontal cuts made below the breasts. Through these openings, unwanted tissue is removed, and the chest is contoured to create a masculine appearance. There are also incisions around the nipples, which are moved to a higher position on the chest. This technique allows Dr. Nesiba to eliminate significant breast tissue. It is suitable for patients with larger breasts.
The inverted-T incision technique follows the anchor pattern: around the areola, down to the bottom of the breast, and then horizontally along the former crease. This allows for maximum removal of breast tissue and skin. Like the double incision technique, it also enables grafting of the nipples to a higher position on the chest. However, this method comes with the trade-off of an anchor-shaped scar left after surgery.
The batwing or fishmouth technique gets its name from the shape of the incisions made around the areola in a zig-zag or fishmouth pattern. These cuts allow Dr. Nesiba to remove breast tissue underneath while preserving more skin envelope than other methods. The nipples are repositioned higher on the chest, which may create a slightly unnatural look. Therefore, this technique is rarely used nowadays.

Preparation for FTM Surgery

Before undergoing chest reconstruction surgery, it is crucial to consult with Dr. Nesbia. During the initial meeting, he evaluates the patient’s goals, medical history, medications, and overall health to determine if they are a good candidate. Dr. Nesiba also explains different surgical techniques and helps patients select the most appropriate option given their anatomy and desired results. Together, they discuss details, like the location and size of chest incisions and nipple placement. Dr. Nesiba coordinates with the interprofessional team that oversees the patient’s gender reassignment procedure to achieve the best results.
There are some critical aspects of preparation before FTM top surgery:
The patient will need to stop smoking or using nicotine products for at least 3 weeks before and after the operation.
They might need to lose some weight if Dr. Nesiba deems it necessary for safety and the best outcomes.
Certain supplements and medications, like hormones or blood thinners, may need to be stopped or adjusted before surgery.
The patient should arrange transportation and assistance during initial recovery since movement will be restricted.

FTM Surgery Procedure

General Anesthesia

The surgical procedure is performed under general anesthesia to keep the patient comfortable and immobile. Anesthesia is provided intravenously and/or via inhaled gases to cause a temporary state of unconsciousness. The patient feels no pain and will not remember anything about the actual surgery.
There are several techniques and incision options Dr. Nesiba may utilize depending on factors like breast size, skin elasticity, and personal preference:
Through the incisions, the underlying breast gland tissue is surgically removed, sculpting a male-contoured chest. The procedure is similar to a mastectomy. Liposuction may additionally be used to suction excess fat.
Dr. Nesiba forms remaining tissue by tightening, trimming, and stitching the skin into a flatter, masculine appearance. In some cases, the areolas may be surgically reduced in size. Dr. Nesiba uses the latest techniques to preserve nipple sensation and achieve excellent results.
Finally, the incisions are cleaned and closed with dissolvable or non-dissolvable sutures. Surgical drains may be placed to prevent fluid buildup. The chest is wrapped in dressings and a compression binder.

Add-On Procedure: Facial Masculinization

Facial masculinization surgery (FMS) is a set of procedures that creates male facial features. It is often sought by transgender men who want to look more stereotypically masculine. During FMS, Dr. Nesiba may perform procedures like chin, jaw, and brow bone augmentation to increase the size or change the shape of those facial features. This operation can also correct the nose, lips, cheeks, or Adam’s apple. FMS is often performed alongside FTM top surgery to achieve a more comprehensive transformation.

Recovery After FTM Surgery

First 24 Hours

The first day after female-to-male top surgery focuses on managing pain and drainage from treatment sites. Patients usually need assistance with basic activities, like sitting up, standing, and walking. Medications are used to control pain and nausea early on. Drainage levels and wound sites are monitored. Patients may feel tired and sore as the anesthesia wears off. After several hours of monitoring, they return home to rest and recover comfortably.

During the first week, patients must follow postoperative instructions, such as wearing a compression binder and caring for surgical drains. Discomfort, swelling, and bruising are still present. Patients are encouraged to walk and engage in light activity to promote healing while avoiding lifting or straining the chest. Once fluid accumulation decreases, drains are typically removed within the first week. Bruising and swelling continue to improve.

Patients slowly increase activity and return to work during weeks 2-5 but should still avoid heavy lifting or intense exercise. Their discomfort subsides, but they may continue taking pain medications as needed. Follow-up appointments allow Dr. Nesiba to monitor healing and remove stitches if needed. Bruising and swelling improve significantly. Scars may be reddened but will continue fading over the next few months.

By weeks 6+, patients usually resume all normal activities. Exercise can be slowly incorporated again. Dr. Nesiba gives clearance to lift heavier objects or play sports again after 6-8 weeks. Some numbness or tightness across the chest persists for several months. The appearance of scarring continues to improve with time. Patients see the final results of their FTM top surgery after 3-6 months of recovery.

Candidates for This Cosmetic Surgery

As the primary candidates for FTM surgery, female-presenting men can significantly improve their quality of life after undergoing this operation. However, they must meet specific criteria to ensure safety and good outcomes. Dr. Nesiba screens patients for their health status to confirm that they do not have severe conditions that may interfere with anesthesia or undermine the results. He also evaluates their psychological health and motivation.
Here are the main groups of candidates for FTM top surgery:
Transgender men
Such patients seek top surgery as part of their transition to help align their bodies with their male gender identity. This allows them to feel more comfortable with their appearance.
Non-binary people
People who do not exclusively identify as male or female may opt for FTM top surgery to create a more androgynous chest appearance that better fits their gender identity.
Some female candidates seek this operation for a more masculine chest shape due to personal preference or body image goals.

Benefits of FTM Surgery

FTM top surgery can provide many benefits for transgender men. It is often seen as a life-saving procedure due to its positive effects on the patient’s psychological health and body image. In particular, FTM top surgery:

Cost of FTM Top Surgery in Denver, CO

The cost of FTM top surgery in Denver ranges from $6,000 to $20,000. Several factors may shape the final price:
Dr. Nesiba addresses all financial questions during the initial consultation. He must evaluate the patient’s physique and aesthetic goals before calculating the costs. Flourish Surgical Arts offers flexible financing via CareCredit and Alphaeon Credit to make our procedures more affordable and convenient.

What Makes Our Plastic Surgery Different From Others?

Flourish Surgical Arts stands apart from other providers of FTM top surgery due to our passionate, highly skilled staff. As a fellowship-trained, triple board-certified surgeon, Dr. Nesiba offers extensive expertise in cosmetic procedures, having performed over 1,000 operations. His practice with renowned specialists and experience in transgender health allow him to achieve perfect results. Each surgery performed by Dr. Nesiba is carefully planned and treated as an artwork.
Our team develops individualized treatment plans based on the patient’s needs and goals. Besides transgender operations, we perform many other procedures, such as breast reduction, breast augmentation, and tummy tucks. Flourish Surgical Arts also offers non-invasive services to complement body transformation. We are committed to patient safety, satisfaction, and exceptional care.

Visit Flourish Surgical Arts for a Consultation

In addition to FTM top surgery, Dr. Nesiba performs facial masculinization and other transgender procedures. Flourish Surgical Arts provides a calm and relaxing environment for inspiring body transformations. We offer consultations by appointment only.